Date posted: 19/01/2022 Views: 997

In the context that COVID-19 is still complicated, the 4.0 revolution, in which digitization has emerged as an indispensable solution, has brought many breakthrough opportunities for enterprises and gradually changed the traditional operation of the supply chain. In other words, the COVID-19 pandemic forces businesses to accelerate digitization to adapt and develop. Effective and successful digitization will help businesses reduce costs, increase revenue and market share, improve competitiveness in the context of the pandemic. Digitization will also be the competitive advantage of enterprises in the post-pandemic period.

Supporting industry development is not outside the context and general trend of the pandemic and digitization. To develop supporting industry, the Government has issued many policies to create a favourable legal framework such as Decree No.111/2015/ND-CP on the development of supporing industry, Resolution No.115/NQ-CP proposing feasible solutions to promote the development of supporting industries with new policies. Accordingly, the overarching goal in Resolution No.115/NQ-CP is that by 2030, Vietnam should have 2,000 enterprises capable of directly providing supporting industrial products for assembling enterprises and multinational corporations in Vietnam; supporting industry products meet 70% of demand for domestic production and consumption, accounting for about 14% of industrial production value. This makes many enterprises expect to be able to have a big boost to the development of supporting industry and manufacturing in Vietnam. 

The conference “Digitization: Connect of Sustainable Supply Chain” was held within the framework of the 2nd Vietnam International Supporting Industry and Manufacturing Exhibition (VIMEXPO 2021), with the purpose of updating and sharing information on localization situation, digitization trend in business, towards building a sustainable supply chain in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. The conference is expected to bring a lot of value to enterprises through sharing from leading chain manufacturers and assemblers and domestic suppliers, thereby enhancing connections, creating a favourable environment to seek new partners and opportunities, and updating new information on support policies as well as information on supply and demand in the automotive, mechanical and electronics industries.

The success of the exhibition and conference program at VIMEXPO 2021 is a solid proof for the cooperation efforts of the Government and enterprises to overcome difficulties and return to the “new normal” in the context of complicated COVID-19 pandemic.

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